Kerr County SWCD will accept and consider scholarship applications from all students who reside in or attended school in Kerr County. Applicant may be a graduating high school senior or currently enrolled in a college or trade school. Applicants must be of good character as evidenced by at least two letters of recommendation from teachers, principals, counselors, etc. from the school they are currently attending. Applicants must demonstrate a coherent degree plan and willingness to pursue a course of higher learning.
Deadline – Completed applications must be in the USDA Field Office by 3:00 p.m. on April 1, 2025.
Kerr County Soil & Water Conservation District
2104 Memorial Blvd. Ste. 103
Kerrville, TX 78028
Any questions should be directed to Missie Dreiss, Kerr County SWCD Technician, (830) 896-4911x3. Selection will be made on April 10, 2025.
Join Participants from across Texas each June at the Texas Tech University Campus in Junction, TX for the nation's longest running natural resources workshop for youth. Experts from across the state are recruited to teach the participants in fields ranging from watershed management, to prescribed burning, to soil health, and many areas in between. Additionally, youth are trained in the areas of public speaking and may be selected to participate in the George Holekamp Public Speaking Competition and win the George Holekamp Belt buckle. Contact the Kerr County SWCD for sponsorship!
Great information coming soon!
Each year, the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board (TSSWCB) and the Association of Texas Soil and Water Conservation Districts (ATSWCD) recognize and honor those who dedicate themselves and their talents to the conservation and wise use of our renewable natural resources through the Texas Conservation Awards Program. The Conservation Awards Program honors winners at the district, area, and state level. The Kerr County Soil and Water Conservation District selected the UGRA as our winner in the Friend of Conservation category for 2019, thus elevating UGRA to the Area II competition in this category.
On May 7, 2019, at the Area Conservation Awards Banquet in Wall, TX, UGRA General Manager Ray Buck received the Friend of Conservation Award for Area II on behalf of the UGRA. “UGRA is proud to be a leader in water conservation. Conserved water is the least expensive and most sustainable water supply option. The partnerships we maintain with entities like the Kerr County Soil and Water Conservation District and others are vital. We’re humbled by the acknowledgment of our efforts.” said Buck.
Contest Rules:
· Poster contest is open to all Kerr County residents age 12 and under that meet Texas University Interscholastic League eligibility requirements.
· Please include artist’s name, age and school (or other contact info such as 4H Club, etc.) on back of poster.
· Poster entries shall be on standard poster board, cut to half size (22” x 14”). Artwork on poster entries should be produced with materials which do not readily smear, crack, or chip. If necessary, a fixative or lamination may be used. The poster entry artwork should be flat. The theme “Healthy Forests= Healthy Communities" must be included.
All posters submitted for the contest will feature the NACD/NACD Auxiliary Conservation Poster contest theme for 2021. The 2021 theme is "Healthy Forests= Healthy Communities”. Please visit the stewardship week website at: for information on the 2021 theme.
All poster entries must be received by the Kerr County Soil and Water Conservation District by January 13, 2021. Posters will be judged by the Kerr County SWCD Board Members to find Local Winners. The local winners must allow the Kerr County SWCD to photograph them with their entry. Local Winners will be featured on the district’s webpage and newsletter. They will also be submitted for an Area Competition. Area Winners will be recognized at the 43rd Texas Conservation Awards Program in Wall, TX and will be submitted for a State Competition. State Winners will be recognized at the 81st Annual State Meeting of District Directors.
Local Winners Will Receive:
1st Place: $50 cash 2nd Place: $25 cash
Return Entries to:
Kerr County Soil and Water Conservation District
2104 Memorial Boulevard, Suite #103
Kerrville, Texas 78028
-or- Call Missie Dreiss to pick up your school’s entries!
(830) 739-7476 or
43rd Texas Conservation Awards Program Essay Contest
Deadline: January 13th by 3:00pm
Submit Essays to the Kerr County SWCD office
Two Age Divisions
Junior- 13 and Under (Maximum of 300 words)
Senior- 14 to 18 years old (Maximum of 500 words)
Essay topic for 2021 is
"Healthy Forests= Healthy Communities"
The essay is to be submitted to local soil and water conservation districts for judging. Each local district will judge the entries and submit two essays in each age division to the Area Judging Committee for the competition on the area level. Plaques will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners on the area level and state winners will be selected from the area winner. This contest is open to Interscholastic League eligibility requirements.